[34] Anderson, Thomas Mc Call, Dermatolog in Glasgow, geb. daselbst 9. Juni 1836, M. D. Glasgow (Honours) 1858 F. F. P. S. Glasgow 1858, studierte in Glasgow, Paris, Würzburg, Berlin, Wien und Dublin, ist z. Z. Prof. der klin. Med. an der Univers. Glasgow, Physician an der Glasg. West. Infirm. and Cutaneous Wards and Hosp. for skin diseases, Consulting Phys. am Deaf and Dumb Inst. Home for Training Nurses and Scott. Imp. Insur. Co. Glasg. und veröffentlichte bisher: »Lectures on clinical med.« (1877) – »The parasitic affections of the skin« (2 ed. 1868) – »Eczema including its lichenous impetiginous and pruriginous[34] varieties« (3. Aufl. 1874) – »On psoriasis and lepra« (1845) – »Treatment of diseases of the skin with an analysis of 11000 consecutive cases« (1872) – »A treatise on diseases of the skin« (2. Aufl. 1894)- »On syphilitic affections of the nervous system, their diagnosis and treatment« (1889) – »Contributions to practical medicine« (1898) und zahlreiche Journalartikel.