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Einschränken auf Bände: Eisler-1912 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Lexikalischer Artikel | Philosoph 

Locke, John [Eisler-1912]

Locke, John , geb. als Sohn eines Juristen am 29. August ... ... ;Truth... seems to me in the proper import of the word to signify nothing but the joining or separating of signs, as the things signified by them do ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Locke, John«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 418-423.

Norris, John [Eisler-1912]

Norris, John , 1657-1711, seit 1691 Rektor in Bemerton. ... ... were made by any understanding or will, nor can ever be unmade by them, but have a certain stated and unalterable order«). SCHRIFTEN: Letters concerning the love ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Norris, John«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 508.

Spencer, Herbert [Eisler-1912]

Spencer, Herbert , geb. 27. April 1820 in Derby, Autodidakt, ... ... Erscheinungen zusammenhält (»the unknown permanent nexus, which is never itself a phenomenon, but is that, which holds phenomena together«). Das Außenweltsbewußtsein entsteht auf Grundlage der Sonderung ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Spencer, Herbert«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 688-692.

Glanville, Josef [Eisler-1912]

... is deductive, for we know none by simple intuition, but through the mediation of their effects. So that we cannot conclude any thing to be the cause of another but from its continual accompanying it, for the causality itself is insensible. But now to argue from a concomitancy to a causality is not infallibly conclusive ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Glanville, Josef«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 204.

Burthogge, Richard [Eisler-1912]

Burthogge, Richard , im 17. Jahrh. = B. ist vielleicht ... ... even mere objective notions, are things, not things of mundane and external existence, but of cogitation and notion; intentional, not real things« (Upon reason IV, ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Burthogge, Richard«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 83.
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