Heerwart, Eleonore

[324] Heerwart, Eleonore. Mat-Weaving or Paper-Plaiting. 8. (24 u. 30 Taf.) Ebda. 1895. geb. 2–

‒ Paper-Cutting. 8. (8 u. 10 Taf.) 1888. geb. 1.60

‒ Easy course of Drawing. Six parts, with over 2000 designs. 6 Hefte. 8. 1878. Neue Aufl. 1885. geb. à –.60

‒ Painting for Children. 8. (12 Taf.) London 1876, Meyers & Co. Key Book for Teachers 1.–; Exercise Book for Children –.60

‒ The Jointed Lath. Translated from the German of Fr. Seidel. (4 u. 8 Taf.) Ebda. 1876. 1.–

‒ Ring Laying. Adapted from the German of Luise Froebel. 8. (12 Taf.) Ebda. 1876 1.–

‒ Systematic Order of Froebel's Kindergarten Occupations, based on Froebel's chapter on the same subject. 5. Aufl. 8. (16) Ebda. 1896. –.60

‒ The transition Class; or, What may we Expect of Children after they leave the Kindergarten? 8. (12) 1878. –.30

‒ Lecture to elementary School Teachers. 8. (32) 1883. –.60

‒ Froebel's Four Principles of Education. (62) 1893. geb. –.90

‒ Aim and Object of Froebels Gifts and Oocupations. (16) 1893. geb. –.60

‒ Song for Chorus and Solo, adapted by the Annual Meeting of the German International Kindergarten Association (1897): – »Come, Let us Live for our Children.« Music by Alwine Middendorff. (1851.) –.60

‒ Quarterly Report of the International Kindergarten Association sent gratis to members; extra copies. (1892) 1897. –.40

Pataky, Sophie: Lexikon deutscher Frauen der Feder Bd. 1. Berlin, 1898., S. 324.
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