Dominicus The V. (26)

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Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon, Band 1. Augsburg 1858, S. 785.
Ähnliche Einträge in anderen Lexika

Brockhaus-1837: Dominicus

Brockhaus-1911: Thé dansant · The Vize · Walton-on-the-Hill · God save the King! · Justice of the Peace · The Dalles

DamenConvLex-1834: Dominicus, der Heilige

Eisler-1904: Survival of the fittest

Eisler-1912: Gundisalvi, Dominicus · Dominicus Sotho · Dominicus Gundisalvi

Heiligenlexikon-1858: Dominicus Leonesius V. (19) · Dominicus Henares, V. (21) · Dominicus Loricatus, B. (17) · Dominicus Melitensis (30) · Dominicus Martinez (41) · Dominicus Fernandez (49) · Dominicus Exiliensis, S. (11) · Dominicus Gaullartus (34) · Dominicus Hahn, V. (23) · Dominicus Godar (32) · Dominicus Saracenus, SS. (2) · Dominicus Vy, V. (28) · Dominicus Vernagalli, B. (16) · Dominicus, S. (1) · Dominicus, S. (3) · Dominicus, S. (10) · Dominicus Thien, V. (24) · Dominicus Surianus (40) · Dominicus Trach, V. (29) · Dominicus Vallius, S. (8) · Dominicus Tuoc V. (25) · Dominicus et Vedulphus (31) · Dominicus a monte majori, (35) · Dominicus a Fronterra (38) · Dominicus a puero Jesu (46) · Dominicus a, S. Maria (42) · Dominicus a, S. Juliano (33) · Dominicus (43) · Dominicus (37) · Dominicus (44) · Dominicus (50) · Dominicus (45) · Dominicus Bononiensis (39) · Dominicus de Cubo (47) · Dominicus de Caracede, S. (14) · Dominicus de Hungaria, B. (18) · Dominicus Doan, V. (27) · Dominicus de terris (36) · Dominicus Chieu, V. (20) · Dominicus Calciatensis, S. (5) · Dominicus Colinus (48) · Dominicus de Burano, S. (13) · Dominicus Dat, V. (22) · The ophilus, S. (12) · Nicolaus The, V. (31)

Herder-1854: Thé dansant · God save the King

Lemery-1721: The

Meyers-1905: South West Africa Company Limited, The · Standard, The · Star, The · South African Territories Limited, The · Saltburn by the Sea · Scotsman, The · Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts · Stow on the Wold · Walton on the Hill · Walton on the Naze · World, The · Tracts for the times · Sun, The · The Dalles · Thé dansant · Justice of the peace · Lothians, the · Mad Mullah, the · Harrow on the Hill · Globe, The · God save the King · Grianan of Aileach, The · New York Times, The · Saint Anne's on the Sea · Saint James's Gazette, The · Saint Thomas the Apostle · Sacred Books of the East · New York Tribune, The · Old sailor, The · Red River of the North

Pataky-1898: The Losen, Frl. Anna

Pierer-1857: Harrow on the Hill · Lord Warden of the Cinque Portz · God save the King · Benefit of the clergy · Chapel in the Frith