Turner, Joseph Mallord William: Der Niedergang des karthagischen Reiches

Turner, Joseph Mallord William: Der Niedergang des karthagischen Reiches (Decline of the Carthaginian Empire – Rome being determined on the Overthrow of her Hated Rival, demanded from her such Terms as might either force her into War, or ruin her by Compliance: the Enervated Carthaginians, in their Anxiety for Peace, consented to give up even their Arms and their Children)
Künstler:Turner, Joseph Mallord William
Langtitel:Der Niedergang des karthagischen Reiches (Decline of the Carthaginian Empire Rome being determined on the Overthrow of her Hated Rival, demanded from her such Terms as might either force her into War, or ruin her by Compliance: the Enervated Carthaginians, in their Anxiety for Peace, consented to give up even their Arms and their Children)
Maße:170 × 238,5 cm
Technik:Öl auf Leinwand
Sammlung:Tate Gallery